Thursday, November 11, 2010

Are Tattoo Sexy

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I love to decorate the body with a tattoo that I am impressed sexy body. This is something I often ponder quietly. I thought for a tattoo that I very tastefully done. I also feel that the tattoo on the lower back is very sexy. But my husband does not really care for them. He does not hate me or think that I'm trashy by all means, he just does not care for them. Now I am on the other hand, I find that very interesting when a man covered in tattoos. I honestly do not know what it is, but I find them very interesting and the section on men. Heck, even some women who look sexy tattoos, Angelina Jolie IE.

So this got me to thinking, what people think about this. Whether or not they sexy? Both came to know the survey has been conducted and indicates that at least one third of the United States with one or more tattoo (s) say they make them feel more sexy. To break down more 34% of Americans have a tattoo think is sexy. Surprisingly, just 42% of women have tattoos feel make them feel sexier, and only 25% of men feel this way.

One of the flip side of things the people who do not have a tattoo that asked the same question and the answers come out differently. 42% of American think-less tattoo tattooed people less attractive and 36% non-tattooed people tattoos make someone less sexy.

So according to this survey conducted in July 2003, many people think less sexy tattoos from people who think they are sexy. Leaves that I would like to hear from the tattoo community and non-tattooed people there.Are Tattoo Sexy-gtk3

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Sexy Tattoo Placement

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At the time of many now dekali people menhiasi his body with tattoos. You have decided that you want a tattoo, and is ready to select a design. Before you do this though, you need to know where you put your tattoo, because it will affect the size and context of your design. Most women like to place them somewhere sexy tattoos so they can attract the attention of the opposite sex. And why not, that's pretty much what the right tattoo for?

Here are some sexiest place to put a tattoo:

1.Lower again: the low-rise jeans still in style, this is the right place to tattoo. Most of the designs in this area use a little of the form of a triangle with the point down, so that the eyes are taken to decrease the half. This is also a big surface to put a big, sprawling tattoo, and easy to cover if you will be working.

2.Upper breast: because most guys are looking for anyways, why not give them something to see? Tattoos in this area are generally smaller, with symbols such as flowers, bees, butterflies and dragonflies to be very popular.

3.Ankle: if you have a lot of foot and ankle tattoo is perfect, he will take the eye a narrow part of you and then go from there. Once again you may want to stick to a smaller tattoo in this area.

4.Wrist: lanky, soft, lightly scented and usually, in the wrist is more sexy place in our bodies. Place a small tattoo on the inside of your wrist and you notice the attention!

5.Shoulder: show your spirit with a sexy Playboy Bunny tattoo on the back of your shoulder, and then go buy strappy tank tops. You have a great surface on which you can place a nice size tattoo and the attention.The Sexy Tattoo Placement-gtk1

6.Back of Neck: During your stay with something small, this is a location to Asia or a unique symbol. Of course the neck is very sexy, and funny or interesting tattoo have great conversation starter.

There are other, more risky place where you can put a tattoo, this depends on who you want to see. Here are some suggestions:

Pubic region 1.Above: suitable for a small, sexy tattoo that you can see a special someone.

2.Hip: low rise jeans or bathing suit can let you show off your little friend.

3.Underneath the bra strap: there is nothing like looking for cute tattoo girlfriend at the time of stripping it down.The Sexy Tattoo Placement-gtk2

4.Inner thigh: this surely is a member-only area, so get a symbol that he would really like.

5.Around belly button: there are some great tattoo pattern for this region, and it is the perfect place if you sport a flat belly.

6.Tailbone: again, this is the place for your special someone, so choose carefully.

A tattoo is forever, so you'll spend a lot of time and place you choose your design, and then speak with qualified tattoo artist to see if they have any suggestions or pointers that you can decorate your body with a tattoo.